DUGi Fons Especials is the digital repository of manuscripts, letters and documents from the Special Collections of the UdG Library. Its aim is to preserve and widely spread the special collections of the Universitat de Girona, contributing to increase the visibility of these documents and of the UdG; to give an added value to the documents indexing them, with the standard bibliographic citation and the permanent link; to protect documenst from further uses and ensuring materials preservation.
The Library Service is responsible for DUGi Fons Especials, which uses an open source software (Dspace, Postgres, SOLR, etc.) and it’s based on a free operating system (Linux).
DUGi Fons Especials settles in information systems such as Memòria Digital de Catalunya (CSUC), Europeana and Hispana.
Repository functions are:
- Ensure interoperability: documents od the repository may be located through other repositories and searchers that use the same standards and also through Google and other internet search engines;
- Increase the visibility and impact of the specials collections of the UdG Library. It uses serach engine optimization techniques (SEO) to position items on Internet and maximize its visibility;
- Content and indexing that retrieving;
- Collect a wide variety of documents (supports, subject and typology);
- Enable transversality, access and use of materials to other UdG or worlwide professors and students;
- Provide an autohority control, ensuring that no duplicated access point exist;
- Guarantee the UdG quality brand.